Mother's Day Divine Feminine Meditation & Sound Bath
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Monthly Schedule

Mother's Day Divine Feminine Meditation & Sound Bath
Saturday, May 11, 2024, 01:00pm - 02:00pm

Ticket: $55

As an early Mother's Day celebration, please join us on May 11th, 1 pm for a very special Meditation and Sound Bath honoring all the strong mothers and mother figures in our lives.


Here's to strong women.

May we know them.

May we be them.

May we raise them.


Hush Private Event

Jean Gutierrez


A Sound Bath is exactly what it sounds like, being bathed in healing frequencies. During a Sound Bath, the brainwave state is altered from a normal waking state (beta) to a relaxed state (alpha), a dream-like state (theta), and even a restorative state (delta). Vibrational sound resonance penetrates the body at a cellular level removing any stagnant energy held in the body resulting in feelings of deep relaxation and renewal. 

Jean is a Certified Sound Healer using crystal sound bowls, gongs, chimes and tuning forks to help to elevate energetic frequencies, calm the nervous sytem, balance chakras and revitalize mind, body and soul. She is also a Reiki II and  EFT Practitioner.


